New Shoes

I know I haven't brought you fully up to speed yet on what happened next, but I needed to tell you about today.

I went shoe shopping. Now, usually shoe shopping for new shoes involves walking the length of a shiny shopping mall trying on lots of pairs of extremley high and incredibly delectable shoes in every shape and colour imaginable. Today's shoe shopping was slightly different, for a start it involved a treadmill! I went shopping for my first pair of grown up running shoes. I was going to purchase a pair from the internet, but that was until I learned about a thing called pronation. I feel like I've unlocked the door to a whole new world regarding running and am privy to things I never knew existed! It's pretty amazing really. I was about to press order on a pair of trainers on the internet, when I read that these were suitable for an over-pronator. A what?... I thought. I googled it and this lead to about 20 tabs being opened while I taught myself about pronation, basically the science of where your foot lands when you run. Most running shops will do what is called a gait analysis. This involves you donning a pair of trainers and spritely stepping on the running machine while they video your feet while you run. They then study the video after to see how your foot placement is when you land.

I was neutral with a slight over pronation, so it was suggested I have a shoe with a mild support. I tried on a couple of pairs and went for the Saucony Omni 13. Not in a colour I would have picked, but as in Ollivanders Wand Store, the running shoe choses you and not the other way around!

My New Babies! 


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