Keep on Running...

After a fabulous four weeks in Greece, once again, I was reluctant to leave to come home. Mid August and September are lovely months on the island, it's busy, but in a vibrant way. The 14th September arrived and so did the tears and panic. I hated leaving. The worst part was saying goodbye. This time he stayed for as long as possible, right up until I walked into the departure lounge to board my flight. Once again, my feet wanted to turn around and run right out of the airport and back to Skala. But, in overdrive mode, I just followed the crowd and boarded my flight, and with a heavy heart I took my seat for the flight back home. The couple sat next to me were behind me in the airport queue and were very kind to me and had seen me upset. The flight passed and I landed back to Birmingham once again, my good old mum was there to meet me and welcome me home.

I needed to have a serious think about what I wanted. I had been offered a number of jobs in Kefalonia during my last visit, and could have stayed. From tour operators wanting staff mid season to bar and restaurant work, however, we both could not agree that I should stay at that particular time. I knew deep down that it was right for me to come and go as we had agreed, but I think if he had begged me to stay I would have.

I started a new job in the UK, More money and more prospects, but somehow, it did not ease the pain of being away from Kefalonia. I was office bound, and the job did not offer the freedom that my last position did, and I felt trapped, imprisoned between 9am and 5pm every day.  The only saving grace was that Greece was coming again in 3 weeks time. Skyping and texting got me through the next period, and I carried on running.

During this time at home, I took part in my first running event, a 5k race at Sutton Park in Birmingham. It was for a childrens charity and am pleased to say that I raised over £50 for Acorns, and that really made we want to run. I will go into all the details in my next blog!


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